Custom Maps

I love capturing the most important places in your life, your history, or your love story. Whether it’s a map that illustrates the locations of your first date to your first home, or a custom venue map given to guests — these pieces are meant to be cherished forever.


Venue Maps

A custom, hand-painted venue map is a way to provide useful directions to your guests as well as create a memorable keepsake of your venue. All aspects of the map are hand-painted or illustrated, depending on the design theme chosen. Map includes a visual of the venue, and main roads surrounding the location. Map can also include brief directions or a wedding website url.

Other Maps

I’ve helped people just like you come up with ways to incorporate a custom map into their home. Some of these ideas include: a map of your love story (first date, engagement location, wedding venue, first home, etc.); a map of your favorite city (the possibilities are endless, but always include the locations most near and dear to you); a map telling your family history (each home your parents lived in, or a map illustrating a child’s life from birthplace to high school, etc.).

As you can see, maps can be one of the best ways to beautifully illustrate a story. The possibilities are endless.